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Privacy policy

​1. Definitions/General

The Camping de la Clairette website (URL: complies with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). It will then be named Site.

The Director of the publication is Mr Jody ARNAUD - Director of the SAS Camping de la Clairette.

The Publisher is the SAS Camping de la Clairette.

The Host is OVH, contact: 2 rue Kellermann, BP 80 157, 59 053 ROUBAIX Cedex 1.

The Site Content Manager is WIX, contact: Incorporation - 500 Terry A François Boulevard - San Francisco - CA 94158 - United States - Phone: +1 415-639-9034

The DPO (Data Protection Delegate) of the Site is the Director of publication.

The User is the visitor or user of the Site.

The CNIL is the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés.

Personal Information is data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Here, the User.

Acceptance of this Privacy Policy presupposes that the User has the necessary legal capacity. To do so, whether he is at least 16 years of age or, failing that, whether he has the authorization of a guardian, curator or his legal representative, if he is under 16 years of age or holds a mandate if he is acting on behalf of a legal person.

This Privacy Policy details the ways in which the User’s Personal Information is collected and used and the User’s rights on the Site. The simple navigation on the Site induces the full acceptance of this Privacy Policy by the User.


2. Cookies


Definition of Cookies


In its operation, the Content Manager uses different types of Cookies in order to provide its services and to ensure that they function properly, to analyze the performance and to personalize the browsing experience of the User.


Required :


Essential Cookies enable the activation of essential features such as : security, identity verification and network management. In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, these Cookies are exempt from prior consent collection insofar as they are strictly necessary for the functioning of the Site. They cannot be deactivated.


Optional :


- Marketing Cookies are used to monitor the effectiveness of advertising in order to provide a more suitable service and to distribute better ads according to the interests of the User.

- Functional Cookies collect data to remember Internet users' choices in order to improve and personalize their experience.

- Analytical Cookies help to understand how the User interacts with the Site, to discover errors and to provide a better overall analysis.



The affixing of optional Cookies requires the collection of the User’s consent. 


Table of essential cookies
Cookies issued by third parties :

When the User visits the Site, certain Cookies are not deposited by the Content Manager but by third parties for the delivery of targeted advertisements. These Cookies are subject to the privacy policy of the third party sites issuing them. For more information, visit their website : Google/Youtube, Instagram, Facebook.


Most browsers allow you to control Cookies. It is possible to configure the browser to warn of the arrival of a Cookie or to block all Cookies for example.


The following links explain how to access Cookie settings in different browsers :

To avoid being tracked by Google Analytics on all websites, see this link :


3. Information collected


When the User enters the Site, a number of non-identifiable Personal Information is automatically collected by the Content Manager, such as: the operating system, the browser, the screen resolution, the language and keyboard settings, the internet service provider, the timestamp, etc. The User may nevertheless visit the Site without disclosing any Personally Identifiable Information about him or her.


When the User contacts the Editor through a form (contact or booking), Personally Identifiable Information entered by the User is collected :

- Coordonnées : prénom, nom, adresse e-mail, numéro de téléphone, adresse postale.

- Préférences de séjour : dates de séjour, type d’hébergement

- Certaines Informations personnelles qui seraient incluses dans le message.


L’Internaute ne souhaitant pas fournir ses Informations personnelles identifiables lors de l’utilisation d’un formulaire ne pourra pas contacter l’Éditeur directement depuis le Site.


Les Informations personnelles sont conservées dans des conditions sécurisées, selon les moyens actuels de la technologie, dans le respect des dispositions du RGPD et de la législation en vigueur.


L'Internaute peut demander à accéder, corriger ou supprimer ses Informations personnelles en sollicitant l'Éditeur par le formulaire de contact. Avant d'accéder à la requête, le DPO peut demander à l'Internaute des informations complémentaires pour vérifier son identité. Dans tous les cas, l'Éditeur répondra à la demande dans le délai légal d'un mois.

Aide aux démarches : modèles de courriers proposés par la CNIL.


Après cela, si l'Internaute considère que l'Éditeur ne respecte pas ses obligations au regard de ses Informations personnelles, il peut adresser une demande ou une plainte auprès de la CNIL ici (autorité compétente en France).


4. Use of the data


The Personal Information transmitted via the forms (contact or booking) will be used to :


- Manage a request for quotation, information,

- Manage and validate a booking,

- Manage a stay (sending a welcome e-mail, invoicing, sending a satisfaction questionnaire),

- Prevent authorities from acting contrary to the law and protect the rights of the Publisher in the event of harm or damage.


The Personal Information is stored in a database maintained by the Site’s Content Manager and transferred and used internally, to meet the User’s request. This list will not be transmitted to third parties under any circumstances. No marketing use will be made of the Personal Information collected.


The Personal Information collected will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship and up to 36 months after the end of the performance of the service.

The Internet user is informed that the DPO may communicate his Personal Information upon request by a state authority or upon judicial decision.


5. Third party websites


The pages of the Site contain links to other websites. The Publisher is not responsible for the privacy practices of these sites. Each Internet user is encouraged to be vigilant when leaving the Site and to read the privacy statement of each website they visit before providing their Personal Information. This Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party websites linked to this Site.


6. Changes to the Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy may be amended to comply with applicable legislation or to take into account changes in the collection, use or storage practices of Personal Information. For any changes to the Privacy Policy, the User will be informed and the Editor will obtain its new consent. The conditions applicable to the User are those in force when browsing the Site.


7. Intellectual property


The contents of the Site are protected by copyright. Any representation, reproduction, translation, adaptation or transformation, integral or partial, carried out illegally and without the consent of the Publisher or its successors constitutes a violation of Books I and III of the Intellectual Property Code and may give rise to legal proceedings.


8. Contact


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or request to exercise one of the rights described in section 3, please contact the Editor directly via the contact form on the Site. The DPO will endeavour to resolve any complaint regarding the use of Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.



Updated on 27/12/2021

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