Rien que pour vous
General introduction
La réception du camping est ouverte tous les jours, du 15 avril au 15 septembre. Basse saison : Avril, Mai, Juin, Septembre de 10h00 à 12h00 et de 15h00 à 18h00. Haute saison : Juillet et Aout de 8h30 à 12h00 et de 14h30 à 19h30.
Utilisation de l'interphone (sur la porte de l’accueil) : en cas d'absence pendant les horaires d’ouverture, utilisez l’interphone. Hors horaires d’ouverture, vous pouvez l'utiliser de 7h00 à 22h00, raisonnez vos appels en fonction de l’horaire et de la demande.
Utilisez l’interphone UNIQUEMENT en cas d’urgence entre 22h00 et 7h00 du matin.
Magasin à l'accueil (horaires identiques à ceux de la réception) : Produits en vente : clairette, vins, bières, miel, glaces, boissons fraîches, pain (uniquement sur commande en juillet-aout), bouteilles de glace à rafraichir, glaçons, cartes postales, timbres, cartes de randonnées.
Seats are rented from 2 pm to 12 pm the next day.
For your comfort, a new sanitary building is at your disposal with the usual facilities: showers, sinks, cabins, toilets, sinks, etc. We offer 2 washing machines working with tokens (on sale at the reception), as well as a block of 6 lockers with lock, each containing an electrical outlet (The deposit of items in the lockers is at the customer’s initiative. The management declines all responsibility in case of theft. In case of loss of the key, you will be charged 20.00 €).
Each location has its electrical connection (green terminals), in 6 Amperes, (blue sockets, European standard), please check that the number of your place corresponds to this of the socket you are connected.
The payment of your stay must be made the day before your departure (20 € surcharge in case of non-compliance). We accept : cash and credit card.
When travelling around the campsite with your vehicle, we ask you to respect a maximum speed of 10 km/h.
For your security, a barrier has been installed at the entrance of the campsite. For your convenience, you can access your seat by car at any time of day and night. In order for this to continue, we ask that you respect other campers by driving at the appropriate speed, reducing your headlights, avoiding slamming your doors… especially when you are driving at night or early in the morning.
For the evacuation of your wastewater (WC cassette and others), please use the drain terminal provided for this purpose, located towards the reception.
Selective sorting: glass, plastic and cardboard must be excluded from household waste for recycling. Please bag your household waste IN BAGS, in the square light green containers. And what is recycled in the appropriate dedicated containers: paper/cardboard, glass, plastics.
In the field next to the campsite, sports fields are at your disposal, we can lend you equipment (ball, snowshoes, etc.) on request at the reception.
The sanitary building has been in operation since April 2019, the wastewater treatment system, located in
the field next to this building, operates autonomously and naturally, thanks to the action of plants and
bacteria. For an optimal performance of this station, we ask you not to throw in the toilet non-biodegradable waste, for example : sanitary towels, tampons, condoms, wipes... For this, garbage cans are at your disposal. Please also limit the use of detergents (such as bleach, Destop, etc.) that affect the balance of the station.
Campfires are strictly prohibited, in the campground, in the forests and on the banks rivers, in all seasons.
Our state of mind
We respect nature the best wa can and ask you to do the same. Here you will find as little layout as possible. When everyone left in October, nature regained its rights.
In order to keep this environment that is dear to us safe, we ask you to respect some rules at the campsite :
- Properly sort your waste : remove glass, plastic and paper from your household waste and threw it in appropriate containers.
- Reason your water consumption.
- Do not dispose of your waste water in the campsite, but in the appropriate terminal.
- Respect domestic and wild animals, trees and plants.
- Leave your space free of all (waste, wood, pebbles).
Think also that the degradation of all kinds costs us dearly and therefore costs you dearly…
Extracts from the Rules of Procedure
- Noise and silence
Guests are advised to avoid any noises and discussions that may interfere with their neighbours. Audible devices should be adjusted accordingly. Door and safe closures should be as discreet as possible.Dogs and other animals must never be left at large. They must not be left at the campground, even locked up, in the absence of their masters, who are civilly responsible.The manager ensures the tranquility of his clients by setting schedules during which silence must be total: from 10:30pm to 7:30am.
​- Visitors
After being authorized by the manager or his representative, visitors may be admitted to the campground under the responsibility of the campers who receive them. Visitors' cars are not permitted in the campground.
​- Vehicule traffic and parking
​Inside the campground, vehicles must drive at a speed limited to 10 km/h. Traffic is allowed from 7:30 am to 10:30 pm.
Only vehicles belonging to the campers staying at the campground may be used. Parking is strictly prohibited on the pitches usually occupied by the accommodation unless a parking space has been provided for this purpose. Parking must not impede traffic or prevent the installation of new arrivals.
- Housekeeping and Appearance of Facilities
Everyone shall refrain from any action that could adversely affect the cleanliness, hygiene and appearance of the campground and its facilities, including sanitary facilities. It is forbidden to throw sewage on the ground or in the gutters. Customers must empty the waste water in the facilities provided for this purpose.
Household waste, waste of any kind, papers, must be deposited in the garbage cans.
Washing is strictly forbidden outside the bins provided for this purpose. The spreading of the linen will be done, if necessary, in the common dryer. However, it is tolerated until 10 hours near the accommodation, provided that it is discreet and does not bother the neighbors. It should never be made from trees.
Plantings and floral decorations must be respected. It is forbidden to plant nails in trees, to cut branches, to make plantations. It is not permissible to demarcate the location of an installation by personal means, nor to dig the ground.
Any damage to vegetation, fences, grounds or campground facilities will be at the author’s expense. The site that will have been used during the stay must be kept in the state in which the camper found it when he entered the place.
- Security
a) Fire prevention
Open fires (wood, charcoal, etc.) are strictly prohibited. Stoves must be kept in good working order and not used under hazardous conditions. In the event of a fire, advise management immediately. Fire extinguishers can be used if necessary. A first-aid kit is available at the reception desk.
b) Theft
Management is responsible for items deposited in the office and has a general obligation to monitor the campground. The camper remains responsible for his own installation and must report to the responsible person the presence of any suspicious person. Customers are encouraged to take the usual precautions for the backup of their equipment.
- Games
No violent or annoying games can be organized near the facilities. Children must always be under the supervision of their parents.
- In case of infringement of the present rules
In the event that a resident disturbs the residence of other users or does not comply with the provisions of these Rules of Procedure, the manager or his representative may orally or in writing, if he considers it necessary, give notice to the latter to cease the disturbances. In the event of a serious or repeated breach of the rules of procedure and after being put on notice by the manager to comply with them, the manager may cancel the contract. In the event of a criminal offence, the manager may call on law enforcement.
In order to guarantee your safety, we must provide you with the following information :
a Electricity
The campsite provides you with a direct connection to the campsite’s power supply, with earthing.
- The power supply of this campsite is 230 V, 50 Hz, supplied by sockets according to NF EN 60309-2 (C 63-310).
- A single flexible connection cable must be connected to any outlet.
- The flexible connection cable must be one length only and not exceed 25 m.
- It is of the HO7-RNF type: 3G2.5 for a 16 A socket base.
- Any repair or modification is dangerous for the uninformed.
In case of difficulty, contact the campsite management.
By arrival
- Turn off power of all devices in the caravan.
- Connect the flex cable first to the trailer connection box and then to the campsite outlet.
Before departure
- Shut off all appliances in the caravan.
- First disconnect the flex cable from the campsite outlet and then from the trailer box.
- Replace the protective cover of the trailer connection box.
- Bend the connection cable and store in a dry location where it will not be damaged.
Excerpt from NF C 15-100
b Evacuation (fire/flood)
All campers would be notified of the evacuation order by the campground operator.
In such circumstances, remain calm and follow scrupulously the instructions :
Turn off the gas and turn off the electricity.
Meet me at the assembly point.
Carry only identity papers, currency and your most valuable items.
Leave your vehicle and camping equipment on site.
Do not take refuge in caravans (in case of heavy flooding they can be taken away).
Don’t retrace your steps.
See the Evacuation Plan on the next page now. Locate per advance your retreat route to the assembly point.
Evacuation routes are symbolized by the logo:
Welkom booklet


N° d'urgence